Tipps & Tricks

Für Sie gefunden und präsentiert von : Found for you and presented by :         Ausarbeiten von Weichkunststoffen und Kunststoffen (z.B.Valplast oder PEEK) Working out of soft plastics and plastics (like Valplast or PEEK) Grobkorn-Diamanten / Coarse grain diamonds   Diese groben Diamanten spahnen die Oberflächen weicher Werkstoffe, wie Kunststoffe für weichbleibende …

Preface Abutments in NP

Recently, the company Medentika offers prefabricated blanks with ready-to–implant junction also in NP. The holder (here in the 550i) can accommodate 6 blanks, so we can mill 6 abutments simultaneously. Unfortunately, for NP only the maximum diameter of blanks are currently exclusively available. Therefore, the production costs are higher than in the titanium abutments due …