New exocad in Win8Design

zzzzzflagge_englisch Report in english language
from Michael Anger


großPictures from the milling-center


In the new Exocad software there is not only just new views, which are easier for our eyes, but also many new opportunities to easily and quickly work for the users.

A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 1. Workflof


The new order list:
In this version, yet the links are missing to:
Milling centers and milling Blank-orders etc.




A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 2. Workflof

In the field for the definition of the individual teeth, we find the usual settings. The Blank selection is highlighted here also graphically and can be extended by yourself.





A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 3. Workflow-Hotkey

Once keyboard shortcuts would facilitate the work, the software refers to these key combinations.







A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 4.CAD Modellation

In the modeling (CAD) we find on the right the new command bar, which helps us to switch easily between the wizard and the Expert-mode.





In the expert mode are under the button „tools“ other options available than in the Wizzard. Nevertheless remain with a right click“ on the background other tools or opportunities are hidden that are not in the official“ tools.

A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 5.CAD Modellation Expert-Modus

Again, the software gives automaticly informations, what options the user has in the expert mode.





A neues Exocad im Win8_Design 6.CAD Modellation Expert-ModusChanges in the scanned surfaces by free forms„, trimming“ or holes closeare here also no problem so that the modellation can be done on clean“ files and faulty scans do not need to be renewed.




Additional can now be selected, an additional occlusal distance which applies only to the occlusal surface.

AAA neues Exocad im Win8_Design 8.CAD Modellation Workflow zusätzlicher Abstand okklusal










Unlike the general additional distance occlusal“ are not changed all pointing occlusal surfaces in this settingThis deteriorated so far the fits of broad steps in the cervical area, as we find common in milled implant abutments or telescopes.

A2 - New Exocad Modelling CAD Matching second stumpsIn the case of models in which the strip light scanner, could not reache some areas or in parts, which require particularly clean fits like implants or outer telescopes model segments from other scans can be matched into the main Jawscan. It does not matter if the scan comes from another model Scan with strip light scanner or from a tactile Renishaw scanning.


A3-Matching New Exocad Second Scan from Renishaw


This process can be repeated as often as needed. Several parts can be matched simultaneously, this increases the precision of the transmission.




A11 New Exocad Modellation Implants individual Screwchannels


For implants, in which no scanning bodys are available, can be selected „Manual positioning„. This feature can be used for both – occlusal screwes, as well as abutments. In these cases, the diameter of the screw-channels can be determined manually and the positioning and angulation are selected caserelated.


A12 New Exocad Modellation Implants individual Screwchannels


Even with the use of scannbodys an angulation of screw channels is possible.





TruSmile Gold Geschiebe Attachments Collage Blanko

New views, new possibilities, new features.

 Cut milled rests and interlocs out of the anatomy.









This report is still in progress….


To come to the german report click here:
