Preface Abutments in NP

Recently, the company Medentika offers prefabricated blanks with ready-toimplant junction also in NP.

IMG_0014The holder (here in the 550i) can accommodate 6 blanks, so we can mill 6 abutments simultaneously. Unfortunately, for NP only the maximum diameter of blanks are currently exclusively available. Therefore, the production costs are higher than in the titanium abutments due to the longer milling time and higher cutters wear.


The fixation of the abutment in the holder takes place here as well as in the titanium abutments of Medentika only on one side at the back of the blanks.

zz Preface Abutments NEM NP SynOcta 1
Thus, the milling start right at the junction of the implant, without annoying edges or heels to leave, which must be reworked elaborately by hand.
Here we see abutments right after milling without reworking.
zz Preface Abutments NEM NP SynOcta 2
The connection on the implant fits perfectly and the emergence profile can be designed directly from the implant individually. By milling from the side, here can be 3-axis  milled and any geometric shape is possible as long as it fits in the Blank.
More pictures on this topic will follow.
This report comes from the milling- and training-center.
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